Available courses

Course Fee $99.00 This course is for flying : In Uncontrolled Airspace Only , Further than 30m from people , Never Overhead of People
Not Certain which course is for you, try this free tool by the National Research Council. Zoom in to where you want to fly and review the map.
Clarion's Basic Knowledge TC EXAM PREP Requirements Course is designed to help prepare student pilots with the practical and essential theory needed to write the online Transport Canada RPAS exam for Basic category.
The Training FORMAT is in compliance with Transport Canada’s TP 15263E – Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, 250 g up to and including 25 kg. Operating within Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS)
Foreign Nationals WILL REQUIRE the Advanced Knowledge Course and NOT the BASIC for the complete TP 15263E requirements
The course objective is to provide the knowledge required to help RPAS students write the online Basic Transport Canada exam.

Course Fee $249.00 The Advanced course is for flying : In Controlled and Uncontrolled Airspace, Closer than 30m to People, Can fly Overhead of People with Certain Restrictions
Not Certain which course is for you, try this free tool by the National Research Council. Zoom in to where you want to fly and review the map.
Clarion's Level 2 Advanced Knowledge Requirements TC EXAM PREPCourse is designed to help prepare student pilots with the practical and essential theory needed to write the online Transport Canada RPAS exam for Advanced categories.
The Training is in compliance with Transport Canada’s TP 15263E – Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, 250 g up to and including 25 kg. Operating within Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS)
Foreign Nationals WILL REQUIRE this Advanced Knowledge Course and NOT the BASIC for the complete TP 15263E requirements needed by Transport Canada
Unfortunately, at this time, these exams can only be taken by Canadians. While the process for foreign pilots is a little more complicated, it is still possible to get permission to fly if you follow the right steps.
The course objective is to provide the knowledge required to help RPAS students write the online Advanced Transport Canada exam.

Ask us for a location near you ! Locations across Canada !
Flight Review Fee $250
Check the Training Events Tab for upcoming Flight Reviews
Dont see one near you, let us know !
The flight review – RPAS consists of the planning, preparation, and completion of a RPAS flight. Although aircraft performances and weight and balance are not tested as separate exercises, it is expected that the candidate will use all the applicable performance data as well as all the approved operating procedures required for a flight.
Be prepared for a Flight Review Exam,
In order to be admitted to the flight review, the candidate shall have successfully completed and passed the Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (VLOS) – Advanced Operations exam (Transport Canada online exam).
Candidates will be issued a unique reference number directly linked to their Drone Management Portal account and additionally a second reference number for successfully passing their Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (VLOS) – Advanced Operations exam.
These two numbers are to be provided to the Flight Reviewer. The Flight Reviewer will then enter these two numbers into the Drone Management Portal and verify the candidates identity based on the credentials provided
The candidate MUST be at least 16 years of age
The candidate must provide a valid (not expired) piece of government-issued (federal, provincial/territorial/state government authority or the equivalent body abroad) identification that provides your NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH, including the following:
-a citizenship certificate
– a Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration
– a birth certificate or baptismal certificate, certified by the issuing authority, or a duly notarized copy. If the date of birth is not shown on a baptismal certificate it shall be supported by a statutory declaration in which the applicant declares the date of birth
-a passport
-an aviation personnel permit or license, showing the date of birth, issued by the state of which the applicant is a citizen
-a permanent resident card
-a military ID
-a driver’s license that is issued by a province or territory or the equivalent abroad
-Certificate of Indian Status
-a ID card issued by the federal, provincial or territorial government
All flight reviews will be conducted when weather conditions do not present a hazard to the operation of the RPAS, the RPAS is airworthy and the candidate has all the RPAS documents required by the Canadian Aviation Regulations and they are valid.
It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to make the final decision as to whether or not the flight review will be conducted.
The failure of any one flight review item constitutes failure of the flight review – RPAS.
A complete redo of the flight review will be required in the following situations:
-failure of one item during a complete flight review
-failure to do an appropriate site survey
-a demonstrated pattern of failing to use effective visual scanning techniques is displayed during the flight review
-displaying unsafe flying
-displaying dangerous behaviour that is not linked to a skill
-displaying a lack of training or competency
-The candidate’s airmanship will be assessed along with other factors in determining the pass/fail mark awarded for each item. Actions such as looking out for other aircraft, use of checklists, consideration for other aircraft on the ground and in the air, completing a site survey, and choice of takeoff area will be assessed.
-The candidate will be expected to demonstrate good airmanship and complete accurate checks on a continuing basis
-anticipates problems far enough in advance to avoid crisis reaction
-uses effective decision-making process
-makes appropriate inquiries
-prioritizes tasks to gain maximum information input for decisions
-makes effective use of all available resources to make decisions
-considers “downstream” consequences of decision being considered
-actively monitors weather, aircraft systems, instrument indications and ATC communications
-avoids “tunnel vision” – is aware that factors such as stress can reduce vigilance
-stays ahead of the aircraft in preparing for expected or contingency situations
-remains alert to detect subtle changes in the environment
-provides thorough briefings
-asks for information and advice
-communicates decisions clearly
-enunciates one’s location clearly if required
-organizes available resources well
-recognizes overload in self
-eliminates distractions during high workload situations
-maintains ability to adapt during high workload situations
-Describe the site survey process
-Describe emergency procedures that apply to flying a RPAS, including lost-link procedures and procedures to follow in the event of a fly-away, including who to contact
-Describe the method by which to inform Transport Canada of an incident or accident
-Successfully perform pre-flight checks of their RPAS
-Perform a take-off
-Demonstrate the ability to navigate around obstacles
-Demonstrate the ability to recognize distances
-Perform a landing

Course Fee $399 This ONE (1) Day (in classroom ) course is directly aimed at Student Pilots wanting to pass a Flight Review for Advanced RPAS operations.
Check the Training Events page for classes near you, dont see one, send us a message and lets get a class scheduled near you today !
Students are encouraged to have their online Transport Canada Advanced exam completed before arriving in class.
Students will also be given their IN CLASS RPAS (drone) exam for the (ROC-A) Restricted Operator Certificate for use of aviation radio. Once successfully passed, the instructors will send your test results to ISED - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and they will at their own discretion send the student a radio licence via mail.
The one (1) Day class also features a discussion on Special Flight Operating Certificates (SFOC) and Mission Planning which will involve map reading and situational awareness.
Most of the day is spent on Mission Planning with Classification of Airspace determination and how to conduct your flights legally and safely for Advanced permit pilots.
Students are broken into small teams so that ALL students are involved and practice with the Mission Planning.
Course does NOT include any hands-on RPAS flying.
This course is dedicated to the Department of Defence in training existing pilots in a Four (4) Day (in classroom ) course and is directly aimed at Student Pilots wanting to work in Advanced environments.
Students will also be given their IN CLASS RPAS (drone) exam for the (ROC-A) Restricted Operator Certificate for use of aviation radio. Once successfully passed, the instructors will send your test results to ISED - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and they will at their own discretion send the student a radio licence via mail.
The Four (4) Day class also features a discussion on Special Flight Operating Certificates (SFOC) and Mission Planning which will involve map reading and situational awareness. SFOC's may or may not be needed depending on the mission specific application but will be covered to help in understanding what civilians must prepare .
Students are broken into small teams so that ALL students are involved and practice with the Mission Planning.
Course does include hands-on RPAS flying with attention spent on mission specific details.

Intelligent use of Agricultural Drones is a growing trend all over the world.
This Clarion course is designed around the TTA Aviation Agricultural M4E Sprayer Drone which can be up to 40 times faster than the traditional spraying of crops. This RPAS aircraft can save up to approximately 90% of the water needed to grow crops and between 30%-40% of the pesticides needed to have healthy crops. The M4E RPAS has small diameter droplets in the application of pesticides and can give a more uniform distribution to areas of a crop that need fertilizer or pesticides.
This introduction to the agricultural sprayer is designed to help students obtain the information they require to use the M4E in a Basic mode
This is NOT an agricultural course

Internal Clarion Team Training ONLY This Instructor Flight Review course is designed for internal training of Flight Reviewers at Clarion Drone Academy. All Flight Reviewers and those wanting to be Flight Reviewers will have to use this course to maintain their standing with Clarion to perform Flight Reviews.
If you would like to be a Flight Reviewer for Clarion, please reach out to us : Sales@Clariondrones.com
This area of the Clarion E Learn site is a combination of text and videos to help explain how to use this site and interact with your courses.
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