Blog entry by Bruce McPherson

Anyone in the world

AUVSI has made a statement on this year’s XPONENTIAL 2020, declaring it plans to “proceed as scheduled.”

Commenting on its current position, AUVSI said it is closely monitoring the situation and assured everyone that health and safety was a top priority.

The statement reads: “We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 coronavirus situation and want to assure everyone that your health and safety are a top priority.

“We are in close communication with the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, as well as related health, public safety and transportation authorities, to make sure that appropriate disease prevention, monitoring, and response protocols are in place for XPONENTIAL 2020.

“Based on currently available information from health authorities, our present plan is to proceed with XPONENTIAL 2020 as scheduled. If our assessment of the situation changes, based on new and evolving developments or updated information, we will promptly update this statement regarding the status of XPONENTIAL 2020 accordingly.”

It continued: “We recognize that restrictions on travel and other public health or governmental measures affecting high-risk regions will prevent some people from attending or exhibiting at XPONENTIAL.

“However, we look forward to most of you being able to travel safely and participate productively in this year’s XPONENTIAL.”

AUVSI then went on to outline the measures being taken by the host convention center in Boston.

Those measures include:

  • Coordination with city, state, and federal first responders on current risk information and implementation of disease response protocols.
  • Assigning medically trained public safety staff and medical first responders in the convention center, qualified to screen guests and identify high-risk illnesses.
  • Deployment of additional hand washing signage and sanitation stations throughout the facility.
  • Frequent cleaning of restrooms and public spaces by staff qualified on techniques to prevent transmission of sickness.